The SACRED WILD Journey is Here!

SACRed WILD Starting August 6th— The Sacred Wild Journey is a 9-week program that brings together the best of my past seven years of teaching, healing, consulting, and exploring the edges of human potential. 

The core focus is around developing self-mastery and awareness as a foundation for a more fulfilling and easeful life. Facilitated through an integrated program of sacred community, concrete guidance, energy healing and personal support to provide what you need to thrive in daily life! The Sacred Wild integrates several core components, on a guided journey like no other...



Breathwork Healing groups — These are the core virtual gatherings, the magic fuel that brings it all to life.

SANGHA Gatherings — A safe virtual space to practice and meet more of our Soul Family (open to the larger community).

Sacred Wild Sangha — Membership in our online temple space for connecting throughout the program (privately hosted on Facebook).



The SHALA Classroom – first access to the exclusive online "Soul School" I'm developing with essential content and inspiration, including 1-2 recorded mini-masterclasses, guided meditations and Cosmic Playbook downloads.



Live Hangouts and Mini-Readings — One-hour live video broadcast every other week where you can drop in for support and questions and get a mini-Soul Reading.

Weekly Distance Energy Healing — energy boosters will be sent once a week to all members to support you standing in your highest power for the week ahead.

Private Soul Reading + Intuitive Counsel Sessions — (optional upgrade) for direct guidance and translating the call of your Soul into actionable insight for your goals, via Skype/Zoom.


Is This For You?

If you are an empath, healer, highly creative deep thinker and/or sensitive person, you are likely to get a lot out of this journey. If you are someone who has never tried out a mindfulness or meditation practice and wants to be spoon-fed information on how to live a spiritual life, I doubt you would be here reading this page...but if so, this is probably not the right time or place for you.

On the other hand, if you are a Rebel Soul with a healthy mistrust of authority who insists on doing things your own way, we'll probably get along well! (As long as you can keep an open mind to magic and the sacred wild mystery.) I want to dismantle the patriarchy too.... We can do it, and we are. :)


Schedule and Topics
