Posts in Special Events
The WRITING WILD Journey Is Here!

Want to know what’s the coolest thing I’ve noticed lately amidst all these wild energies flying around...?

Being able to see how strong my practices have made me inside, so that every time my mind starts to spin out into anxious self-doubt, fear and judgement I can just bring it back into my center.

And refusing to entertain any of that mental-emotional turmoil that used to knock me out for hours, or sometimes days and weeks!

That's exactly the foundation of what we're learning on the Writing Wild journey....

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Writing Wild and Getting Vulnerable

This is a hard message for me to write, because it's so vulnerable. You see, true vulnerability has been my Achilles heel—the thing I've kept hidden away for most of my life. It's scary to be seen and to be real; to be judged and face rejection or worse, to be ignored. I've done everything I could to avoid the shame and disappointment of these experiences. Sometimes the scariest part about speaking my truth is actually being heard and seen and received, though, because then there is no hiding!!

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Embracing the Magic of Solitude *and* Community - For Introverts and Rebel Souls

I have often wondered about the people who are able to be social bees and party like a rockstar for days yet still somehow get whatever they need done like write and publish a book!

In some ways they have a big advantage. They are the ones who are often prioritized at the workplace for promotions, considered to be leaders, and can be more agile in the outer realms of business overall.

But the advantages of being on the more introverted and sensitive side are HUGE as well - including the ability to FEEL and translate those feelings into creative expression to serve society.

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