Embracing the Quiet, Cozy Magic of Winter Solstice

This year has turned out to be one of the most challenging years of my life. Like, in the top three of difficult. And considering the life I’ve had and my high tolerance for discomfort, that’s a lot.

How’s it been going for you…?

Unfortunately, life on earth in the 21st century just isn't easy. Sure, some days are harder and some are easier. Just like some years. But if you can be okay with that—with what is—then maybe it can be okay for you too.

Because the challenges are what make the growth possible. And it's the growth that makes everything else you desire possible.

And if you desire to change the world. To make a bigger impact with your life and gifts. You better believe your gonna need to step up and grow stronger!

The honest truth is that having the Writing Wild project and our group this year is what got me through it.

And now that I’m leading a new private beta version of this journey in January—using the new curriculum, but updating how it's delivered so it's even stronger for everyone—I feel invigorated. I'm alive. And it feels like things are finally starting to ease up in my world.

It’s heartening to know that I have a strong direction and path carved out for my work. But even more so, to know that there is a demand and interest. In almost no time and with little effort, I feel blessed to know that two of the three initial spaces that I opened for January are already filled.

So I'm grateful for that, because this is my soul work in service to something bigger than me. But honestly I’m also in in awe of myself for pulling this off!

And yes, I'm reflecting on that as I decompress this week, while doing my best to be transparent and share a little deeper insight into my life. But.…

I also want to share something valuable with you. Something you can use to help remind you of the magic of this time of year. So you can reflect on the growth and the changes of this year, and what you're moving into for the coming year.

You see, Christmas is not my favorite holiday. There’s all the consumerism and running around and the stress of meeting some outside ideal that’s impossible to meet. And then there’s the aspect of painful memories and old family traumas and patterns that are near the surface for everyone.

Dropping yourself into the middle of that can be intense, as I’m sure you’re familiar with. Even more so as a sensitive wild soul.

But when you look at the roots of it, there is something special about this time of the year. There’s a quiet drawing inward. A call to find our own light and raise up our inner fire. And that is something that goes beyond Christmas.

The solstice festival is a tradition that crosses many cultures throughout history, and even prehistory. This honoring of the changing of the seasons, the longest night, the return of the light…it touches almost all of our roots.

This time of year when the North Pole leans farthest away from the sun—or if you’re in the southern hemisphere, when the South Pole leans farthest away—is energetically potent.

It's a time of feasting and celebration. A time of lighting up our lives and sharing our gifts. It’s also a time to slow down and acknowledge the quiet magic of the season. To reflect on what has passed as we make room for what’s ahead in the coming year.

In that spirit, I’ve got a few simple ways to work with these energies. And some journaling prompts to help you make the most of this special time.

Here are a few simple ways to celebrate the Winter Solstice in a fully cozy and quiet, soul-nourishing way.

Intimate Fireside Reflections

There's something inherently soothing about the flicker of flames in a fireplace or the soft glow of candlelight. Create a cozy nook by the fire and take some time to reflect in meditation. You can also take some time to journal in reflection.

Consider the year that’s passed, and all that you’ve learned. Honor the growth that you’ve made and celebrate your accomplishments. It’s helpful to set some intentions for the coming season in light of that. Notice how the flames support you in releasing what is ready to let go, and feel free to put that in the fire too.

Nature's Winter Embrace

Winter is here now. Step outside and immerse yourself in the stillness of winter. Take a walk, breathe in the cool air, and appreciate the beauty of the season. If you live somewhere with a more temperate climate, try and get up earlier in the day to take advantage of the early morning weather. Or plan a trip somewhere cooler.

Take note of the quiet strength of nature even in its dormant state. What does this tell you about your own quiet strength? You may wish to bring some aspects of winter indoors to create an altar, or make winter-themed decorations. This is a tradition that goes back thousands of years.

Your Inner Fire

Embrace the spiritual aspect of the Winter Solstice by kindling the fire within your own heart. You can do this by engaging in a simple spiritual practice, whether it's meditation, prayer, or mindful breathing. You can also consider what lights up your heart and makes you come alive inside.

Reflect on your own inner light and how you can nurture it during the darker days. Consider how you’ve been able to keep your light shining through some of those days this past year, and what you learned from that. Reflect on all the gifts of your life, the people that you love, and the blessings that you have. Cultivate the sense of inner warmth that keeps you going.

Winter Solstice Writing Prompts

This is a good time to reflect on the triumphs and struggles of the past year, and what you would like to call in for the year ahead. Sometimes it’s easier to visualize shorter timeframes so you can also consider the next six months until the Summer Solstice.

Here are some prompts to consider for your journaling practice:

  • What did this year show me about the strength within me?

  • What can I celebrate about myself regarding this past year?

  • What does winter's embrace teach me about patience and rest?

  • What aspects of my life are ready and waiting to bloom?

  • What am I ready to let go of to make room for what’s ahead?

  • What lights my inner fire to consider creating in my life?

  • How can I cultivate greater warmth in my heart?

As you make your way through this significant time of year, I hope you find comfort in these simple, quiet ways of celebrating and being present. To help you slow down time a bit and hopefully remember what really matters.

To help you be okay with what is, so you can find peace in your heart. And strength to carry on.

Whether you’re cozied up by the fire, venturing into nature, or stoking the inner fires of your heart, take some time to embrace the quiet magic of the season. Welcome the return of the light.

After all, we are each a beacon of light for one another on the long and winding road home…to the heart of love.

Wishing you love and warmth and Happy Holidays!


PS if you're ready to write your life-changing book in 2024, I have just a few spots open for Writing Wild connection calls before the new year begins.

​Grab one here​ and let's see how you can manifest the bold and beautiful life you envision (for reals this time).