Maybe All You Need Is a Little Adventure To Feed Your Soul

Recently a good friend called me unexpectedly to fill me in on an exciting breakthrough she was having, and it ended up being a very transformative conversation. I love getting calls like this because they're so rare these days—you know it's a good friend if they feel comfortable just calling you without notice!

I have to give you the gist so you can understand a little better...

You see, my friend is a true wild soul, with the heart of an explorer. When we met over a decade ago, she was living on a boat with her two young children, fully intending to sail around the world with them. All those dreams had to go on hold, however, when she received a terminal cancer diagnosis.

Throughout her long battle with the cancer, and some serious complications and other challenges after, she's had to strike a balance between staying safe and feeding her soul.

And while this hasn't stopped her from following her dreams and breaking the rules as often as she can, it has put a crimp on her adventurous explorer's spirit.

We've been in touch throughout this journey, but even more since she moved to my side of the country, around the time I decided to settle here in Asheville. I treasure our conversations— they're the kind where just the goodbye is sometimes an hour long.

But this one was particularly interesting...

She had a prophetic dream with some of her loved ones, and it triggered a breakthrough. She had the feeling that she could do whatever she wanted, and she was suddenly feeling inspired to try something completely different.

She would go on an adventure and travel again! And there were some opportunities for work that involved traveling that she discovered—things she had not considered feasible for years.

This is where I got tripped up, though:

When she said, "I called you because you're an adventurer and I knew you would understand!" it hit me hard. I got a bit winded and went quiet. I felt a pain in my heart because the person she was describing felt like a distant memory of who I was, not how I'd been living recently.

You see, I spent the last couple years just trying to get myself grounded and on my feet after a decade of drifting as a full-time digital nomad, while doing the hard work to finish my book. A book that's ironically all about sacred adventures!

I'd been spending so much time getting rooted and working on my foundations, that I was neglecting my soul's need for exploration and adventure.

And even though my writing coaching and spiritual mentorship work is truly fulfilling—I love it more than any other work I've ever done—my heart and soul were feeling undernourished. As a result, I was struggling personally.

Can you relate...?

Right then and there we agreed that I needed to have an adventure that weekend, to go somewhere out of town and do something exciting and fun.

And that's what I did on the weekend. I went out on a spirit adventure and ended up following my inner GPS to a nearby town called Black Mountain.

After hiking in -5 degrees windchill on the Blue Ridge Parkway, having tacos for dinner, visiting a European gifts shop, and a wonderful cafe book store, I was at my last stop of the evening when I had a revelation....

I was staring out the window of a whisky distillery I landed at for my journaling date ritual. The sun was setting over the parking lot with the mountains in the background, and suddenly it hit me: the visceral feeling of being on an exciting adventure...that expansive sense that anything is possible.

It reminded me of times when I've been at an airport and looking out at the tarmac awaiting my next flight, with the sun low in the sky. Do you know that feeling?

The capture below is from when it happened....

This may not be the most remarkable image of all time, but it captures a powerful moment. I had forgotten how badly I was missing this expansive sense of adventure and infinite possibility! It's like the difference between "knowing" something and experiencing it in your body when it hits you in that ah-ha moment.

You see, I've been so steeped in my work and personal challenges for the past year—doing all the grown-up things we have to do to survive and thrive in this upside-down world—I had basically pushed this need aside. I'd been relegating my adventures to short jaunts around town and visits to nearby greenways with an occasional hike in the national forest.

And while trees are amazing, and sacred portals can be found everywhere (I was just updating a whole section of my book dedicated just to this), there's something even more amazing about experiencing these things when you're traveling.

Especially if you're a wild soul explorer at heart like me (and I think you are).

I've been teaching about spirit adventures for a few years now. My last book was in fact called Spirit Adventure! It was the precursor to my new book, and while it's not available as a standalone purchase, it is included as part of the ​Wild Soul Medicine course​ that was just recently re-released.

But I don't feel that I've shared enough about the magic of spirit adventures. Or to be honest, about the magic of so many things that matter to my life and that of my clients...little things like this that can be truly life-changing.

So, it seems like I'm going to have to share more about spirit adventures and my techniques for navigating with your inner GPS and learning the language of the universe, and more fun stuff that can change your life that I may have been holding back.

Meanwhile, I must ask:

Is your spirit calling for adventure too?

What other nourishment is your heart craving that you've been ignoring?

What do you need to come fully on board and go all in on your dreams this year?

If you feel like you're approaching burnout, or you're losing your enthusiasm and passion for life, maybe all you need is a little adventure. Or maybe it's something else you need.

Check in and find out. Then do whatever you can to take action around that because your soul needs to be nourished, just as much as your body does—that's the key to regaining all the energy and passion that makes everything else flow so much easier.

I'll share a couple more pics from my adventures below, in the hopes they convey some of what I'm talking about and inspire you to do what you need to nourish your soul too....

Love and blessings,


PS if you want to dive deeper into your true purpose and soul awakening, there are few greater adventures you can embark on than writing a book—especially if it draws on your life experience and wisdom to help others.

I've opened up two more spaces to get started on the new Writing Wild Transformational Author private beta journey. This may be the most surefire way to make your dreams a reality this year: Learn more here and grab a call with me​ and let's see how you can get on track for the bigger life of adventure you're here on earth to live!

Satya Colombo