Healing Your Inner Child
The lake where we are currently posted in the Loveship - teeming with adorable turtles, tropical birds, and yes...alligators :)
As we near Miami, Florida, the place of my birth, I have recently been circling around some big healing and finally dived in deep. It felt like time for some cleansing so I followed my body’s lead and leapt into a 10-day cleanse.
The cleanse was incredibly humbling but also opened the door for some very big renewal! I found myself moving through a lot of emotional turbulence and landing in some deep inner child healing. What was cool to discover how clearly my inner child needed some love and attention, and how much of my life’s work and greatest challenges have revolved around that!
I started to wonder how much of all the creativity that is shared in the world is coming from a place of wanting approval and love that we have not received as children.
Have you thought about this?
I wonder how social media would look if instead of being so focused on how we appear, and how much attention our sharing gets, we would all be creating from a deep place of presence with our innermost magic. Creating simply for the joy of expressing our heart’s delight.
Perhaps it wouldn’t feel like such a popularity contest or dance of the ego then. It could just be Love expressing Love for the sake of Love.
Another thing that I got to see through all the healing and cleansing is that I am an honorable and upright man, and I am proud of who I am.
I have done some good work, and some OK work, and I have failed a lot, but I have always strived to improve. Now I am witnessing that I am quite good enough as I am, I am enough. I am enough.
I share this with you now not because I am looking again for some kind of validation, but because I can only hope that my experience provides some fodder for your own process. Perhaps it may be an inspiration of sorts to you.
Because you know what? You too are enough. More than enough. Exactly as you are.
I never really understood inner child work until my partner started leading me through it. Let me try and describe it in in the simplest way I can…
How I have learned to do inner child healing:
I follow my heart and listen to where I feel there is something needing to be witnessed from my childhood. Through tracing whatever feeling I am having now, I look back to where it might have begun.
Watching and listening with an open heart, I ask my younger self if there is something he wishes to share with me about that time or experience.
I receive that and accept him with utmost loving awareness. I embrace him and do my best to provide whatever he needs. To really see him and witness what is going on, and be there with that.
Often that is simply all that is needed.
Sometimes there is more to work with around spiritual energies, beliefs, or emotions to clear.
That may be energy I have taken on from my parents or loved ones, or from my teachers or friends. It’s usually pretty clear what that is , but if not, I can just check in and test for that.
I often use kinesiology on myself, also known as muscle testing, to check in on if there are energies to clear or other work to be done. This is a more advanced practice but it is easy to learn. You can also just use your intuition and listen. That is good enough.
From there the work is to continue to be with myself and welcome my inner child to join me at the table. Or perhaps to join him at the proverbial playground.
Moving forward the invitation is to welcome opportunities to spend time with this aspect of myself until it is no longer necessary. Or it is just not a thing anymore (i.e. the symptoms are not presenting themselves, or as in this case, I am no longer seeking validation, love, or attention from outside myself).
Results of cleansing the body, mind and energetic field...
I have done a lot of emotional and energetic cleansing over the past years, and my spiritual practice has really kept me alive! I have taught much of this over the years as well — from breathwork and energy healing to creative alchemy — but I’m not sure that I have really been teaching from the wholly integrated fullness of who I really am.
What I sense from my 10-day cleanse is that this reset has opened up the space for me to really express the fullness of who I am from a more deeply embodied place.
The way I approach cleansing is the way I approach all the work that I embark on: listening deeply, and following my own inner compass.
There are many programs you can follow but the one that matters the most is your own. Your intuition around what foods and substances really serve you, and which do not. This is spot on: If you listen to your body, it will tell you!
There are a million and one incredible shifts and discoveries waiting to happen in your biosphere. You get to listen and decide to take action.
This takes some discipline, but mostly a lot of you know what:
Surprise! You have to be willing to love yourself enough to let go of temporary satisfaction and addictions for a greater cause — your vital health, clarity, and well-being!! If you can do this for just a few days or a week even, the results can be pretty extraordinary....
Since I am not a nutritionist— nor do I wish to be one — I will not attempt to teach you my cleansing protocol. I will pose this question of you, however:
In this season of change, are your intestines or liver—or your inner child :)— wanting some more of your attention right now?
Perhaps this message is a little nudge from the universe to check in and see... Maybe they have a message to you about what they are needing and wanting right now..??
If so, see what you can do to be with them, to listen, and give them what they need. (Hint: psyllium husk powder, bentonite, green veggies, full body-mind-soul hugs and rest. Lots of deep rest....that would be a good start! ;))
Much love to you and yours,
p.s. I am not taking mentorship clients at this time but if you are wanting some immediate support around cleansing, inner-child healing, or spiritual counsel, I have opened a few spaces for Healing and Counsel sessions in my calendar. You may book here: