7 Ways Spiritual White People Can Rise to Support the Racial Justice Movement


I spent most of yesterday working on this piece and have now published it on Medium. it was one of those times when the Muse took me in her grip and wouldn't let me go. This is really important to me, but I understand it may be controversial to some... 

If you are a spiritual white human, this is for you... 

If you believe yourself to be race blind and that it is OK to say "All Lives Matter," then you definitely need to read this! 

This whole movement is an integral part of the New Earth coming into play. And there is so much we can do! 

It is up to you to take part and choose - because no one is going to do this for you!! 

I hope that this inspires you to take action...especially if you are a white or white-presenting spiritual person. It is time to rise up and break the silence. Here is an excerpt... 

7 Ways Spiritual White People Can Rise to Support the Racial Justice Movement

Today in honor of George Floyd and the thousands of innocent Black people who have been and continue to be brutalized by our police, I offer these words of clarity, hope and action to make a difference as best I can.

There is a time for inner silence and a time for outer expression. Now is the time to take a stand for justice and support the protestors with more than just prayer and reflection. It is time to rise up and take action.

We each have a moral obligation to stand up for brothers and sisters in this struggle against needless killing and police brutality against people of color. All the more so if you are a white or white-presenting spiritual person.

If you are a human who has any empathy at all it is hard to witness what has been happening in the streets of the US. In dozens of anti-police brutality protests across the country there have been more extreme and outrageous acts of brutality by the police than we have witnessed since the civil rights movement in the 1960’s.

The frontline reports and footage have been truly shocking to witness. Our police have been militarized and given authority by a mentally unstable president to unleash everything they have.

Tear gas is a chemical weapon outlawed by the Geneva convention, yet it has been used against peaceful protestors in city after city. This along with pepper spray, wooden and rubber bullets, concussion grenades and worse. 

I have seen footage of police cars driving into protestors in Brooklyn, torturing others by trapping them behind barricades to tear gas them in Philadelphia, and simply destroying entire caches of water bottles for peaceful protests in Detroit.

Click here to read more and learn what you can do to help...

In solidarity,
