The 4 Types of Pleasure for Embodied Bliss and Transcendence

One of the biggest factors in the recent divine mission reactivation and rebirth I experienced was a full surrender to pleasure and pain. Both of these opposing experiences can be a vehicle of embodied bliss and transcendence. Or they can lead to suffering and unmet desire.

The deciding factor is simply this:

Whether or not you are able to fully embrace and accept them with all of your being.

And that is up to you to choose.

Today we’re going to look at pleasure as a vehicle for embodied bliss and transcendence. So we may transcend the limitations of our pain and sorrow, our identification with our suffering and that of the world, and shift into identifying with that which sustains and strengthens us:

The life-giving, nourishing, sustaining energy of pleasure.

But how to make this choice for pleasure over pain?

The full embrace and acceptance of that which brings you the most pleasure, and what you desire most, demands a level of surrender. For each person this is different—it may require a total surrender, or maybe just a partial surrender. With each of the four types of pleasure you are engaging with, feel into what your body and soul is wanting and able to handle.

And then:

You must create the space for divine Grace to enter fully into you through your experience of pleasure. This is done by fully dropping into the experience, allowing and accepting it fully into your being. Allowing it to move through you in expanding ripples, to awaken you inside.

Not only through the pleasure of the senses but through your mind and heart, through all aspects of your multidimensional being. To experience the fullness of your being on all those levels.

Luckily, this tends to be an enjoyable process. It is one of the most enjoyable of spiritual practices, rooted in the tantric path of embodied spirituality. And there are as many pathways of pleasure as there are ways to enjoy life.

Here are the four main types of pleasure:

Each of these has its own unique power and ability to unlock incredible joy, nourishment, embodied bliss and transcendence in our lives. Each activates different feel-good hormones in the body, such as dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin and serotonin. Taken together they can support our physical, emotional and spiritual health in tangible ways, increasing our enjoyment of life in expanding ripples of bliss.

1. The first is physical pleasure

What we feel with our five senses (touch, taste, smell, hear, see). We are all familiar with these senses, but did you know that deepening your engagement with the other three pleasures can heighten your experience of these?

2. The second is emotional pleasure

This is what we feel in our hearts when sharing love. Some ways we can open to this is by giving and receiving praise or appreciation, feeling gratitude, and opening our hearts to give and receive love from others also.

3. The third is sexual pleasure

The core human need we all have. The beauty of this form of pleasure is how it can bring us to open our hearts and vitalize our energy. And when accessed intentionally, can bring us to the embodied bliss of the fourth and highest of pleasures:

4. The fourth is spiritual pleasure
The bliss of experiencing the truth of who we are, transcending our ego, and becoming one with the Divine. This is the highest and most potentially expansive of the four pleasures.

Another aspect of spiritual pleasure is that of the intuitive senses, such as clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience, the intuitive sense or gut feeling which many people are able to access.

Which of these is your favorite, and which is wanting more attention or exploration in your life?

Just remember, the deciding factor of your success in enabling each of these pleasures to lead you to embodied bliss and transcendence vs pain and unmet desire is this:

Whether or not you are able to fully embrace and accept them with all of your being.

Slowing down to experience each of the four pleasures with your full breath and presence can do wonders to enhance your overall health and happiness. Please take your time and enjoy the journey~

All my love,
