How to Finally Write the Book On Your Heart—Even If You’re Stuck On Where to Start

How often have you dreamed of writing that burning book in your heart? The one that’s waiting to be shared with the world, but can’t seem to go beyond a wish, or an outline, or a few pages…??

You’re not the only one.

It took me more than five years to get past the first chapter of my forthcoming book (Wild Soul Journey). But you know what was the hardest part of those five years? The anguish of not knowing if I could ever get it done—because every time I made some progress I’d hit a wall or lose the thread and have to start all over again!

Does that sound familiar at all?

The only way I was able to get past that was by putting everything else aside as long as possible and diving in with all my heart. I managed to catch a wild burst of inspiration and quickly filled a few hundred pages. But even with all that work, the book was far from finished (it was a beautiful mess!), and soon my creative flow dried up again.

Over the next couple years and more than 1,000 pages of writing—most of which was ultimately tossed out—I learned something incredibly valuable:

Using creative bursts of inspiration may sound good in theory, but in truth it’s a terrible way to write your book.

That approach just isn’t sustainable, because you never know when inspiration will strike. Worse still: it means a book that should only take weeks or months to write, may actually end up taking years to complete.

That was a gut-wrenching lesson for me to learn! But in order to find my way through it, I had to get past an even bigger obstacle that many other authors struggle with too. If you yourself are struggling to write your book at this very moment, this is most likely why.…

You need to get out of your own way

The funny thing I learned—the hard truth that most authors will inevitably have to face at some point—was that I was my own biggest obstacle.

As a writer, it’s easy to get blocked by what you don’t know and what you can’t see, but the biggest blocks of all are the subconscious fears that can hold you back: deep-rooted primal fears like experiencing the pain of rejection, punishment, or even being banished from your communities.

Maybe you’ve experienced some of these yourself?

The problem with fears like these is they inevitably block us from completing the books that we’re called to write. What you need is a consistent process to access planned creativity instead of random-bursts-of-inspiration, to coax your creative muse to life and stay on track with your goals.  

But don’t get me wrong! That doesn’t mean you need to stick to a rigid writing routine like Stephen King, who forces himself to write 2,000 words a day—every day—no matter what. I love that about him, but for highly creative people and rebel souls who like to forge their own path like us, forced approaches like these rarely work for long.

So—if you know that you need a more structured approach to write your book, but you’re afraid that same structure will suck your creativity dry, how do you even go about writing your first word…?

Well here’s what the greatest wild soul artists and writers all have in common

What I learned from prolific writers and creatives—like Alicia Keys, Anaïs Nin, David Lynch, Maya Angelou, and Pablo Picasso himself—is that each one of them developed their own unique structure for accessing their creative flow on command. And then they learned to stick to it, because it worked for them!

Just like them, or most any of your favorite creatorsthe most important thing you can do to consistently access your creative flow is develop a unique structure that works for your own particular challenges and unique genius.

But that doesn’t mean you need to start from scratch and struggle through months or years of refining a structure that works for you.

Following the inspiration of some of my favorite artists and writers—through trial and error over years of writing hundreds of thousands of words—I was able to develop my own unique method for accessing consistent creative flow. And the beauty is that it works incredibly well for creative rebels and non-conformists like you and me.

It’s a spiritual path, because it requires we collaborate with our higher selves, but it’s also highly practical….

Here are the fundamentals I learned so that you too can have a system to overcome your blocks, and consistently access the creativity and intelligence you need to complete your own life-changing book. Not in a matter of years, but a matter of weeks….

Step 1: Build a strong foundation for effortless creative flow

You need a process that allows you to tap into your heart and soul on command, to keep you moving through your blocks, and channel your passion and purpose into your writing.

There’s nothing better for this than a spiritual practice that keeps you aligned with your intentions and your higher self. Then not only are you staying out of your own way, but you have a process that pulls you deep into your writing. This should include meditation, mindset, and intentional journaling practices that work for you and your particular constitution.

With that there’s no need to force yourself to show up to write, because you’re genuinely excited to find out what will emerge effortlessly from your writing explorations every day!

Step 2: Create a transformational framework that’s built to serve

As you dig deeper into the connection with your higher self, your stories and your life experience, you’re able to begin formulating your own methodology to solving challenges that you’ve faced in your life.

You can then turn that into a step-by-step transformational framework to help others who’ve faced similar challenges overcome their own obstacles, creating a clear map for writing a book that helps you make a real difference. This is the bedrock of a strong container for creative flow, because it cancels out the whole question of “where do I start…and where the hell am I going with this??”

The best part about this stage is, it’s not boring at all—on the contrary, it becomes a journey of magical exploration and luminous revelation!

Bonus: if you’re a life coach or other transformational service provider, this same framework provides the basis for a premium signature offer that’s also tied into the book, providing a stream of pre-qualified clients who are eager to work with you to get even bigger results than the book alone.

Step 3: Have fun writing your life-changing book!

With the strong foundations and framework you’ve built, you now just need to weave in your stories and wisdom as you take your readers through a journey of transformation—one that’s actually fun to create!

The key in this stage is to keep up with your daily practice so you can stay tapped into your higher self and creative flow, and always come back to your transformational framework. With this essential structure and practice to follow what lights you up inside, you’re now able to consistently translate your passion and purpose into content that inspires and delights your readers…all the way to the finish.

Adapt this methodology to your own writing practice, and what you will have is more than just another book that sits on the shelves....

What you will have is a transformational technology that changes the lives of those you love and serve, while spreading like wildfire, and significantly boosting your impact. And if you’re a coach or other transformational service provider, this sacred creation can lead to significant gains for your business through tying in your signature premium offer.

And yes, obviously, this is easier said than done. Even with the support of a book coach and several editors as I had for Wild Soul Journey, you could easily spend two to three years as I did, and still not have your book out!

That's why I've taken all the experience gained through that process and my previous books, along with my signature Writing Wild methodology and all my experience with healing work, spiritual mentorship and online entrepreneurship, and put it into one incredible new program.

It’s called Wild Soul Author Method….

…and it’s designed specifically for highly creative, high-achieving coaches and transformational service providers to follow this exact three-step methodology and keep you accountable—so you can create your own life-changing book and accompanying signature offer in just four months.

If you too feel called to write the book of your dreams, make a bigger impact, and build your passion business up to a strong six-figure income along the way….

This could be just the approach you need to finally get it done.

Space is extremely limited for the beta launch, but if you'd like, we can have a quick call to see if Wild Soul Author Method is right for you: Click here to book a Discovery call with me now

During our session, we'll explore where you're at, where you'd like to be, and specific steps you can take to utilize the Wild Soul Author Method for yourself, in a totally no-pressure environment (I promise to make this a fun and informative experience for both of us, ‘cause that's just how I roll).

I'll give you the opportunity to ask any questions you have, I’ll give you specific steps you can take to complete your own life-changing book and accelerate your business growth, and if we're a good fit—and you're ready for this transformative journey—I'll invite you to join us, and you can decide for yourself if this is the best path for you at this time.

Whichever path you choose, please do whatever it takes get the book inside you out into the world already, because it truly matters that we each step up to do our part to make a difference in these times.

I hope this has been helpful for you—can't wait to speak with you soon!

In solidarity,


p.s. if the idea of writing the book that’s been on your heart for what seems like your whole life is overwhelming right now, I get that! When we speak, you'll see that it's actually easier than you can imagine when you have a clear methodology and roadmap to follow, along with the support and accountability you need. There is no more rewarding and life-changing creative endeavor that I know of….

​Grab a call with me here and let’s get you the clarity you need to bring your higher vision to life