Healing with Essential Oils


It’s been almost two years since I was guided to begin creating essential oil blends made with the highest quality and ecologically-sourced oils as part of my healing journey. 

What you may not know is that as I worked with the oils and the essences of the plant spirits, I began receiving an incredible amount of divine inspiration and guidance from them!

What turned out was something that delighted me beyond my wildest expectations...

"Amazing. Healing! Potent. Satya— these oils are magnificent. I keep wanting to pick a favorite, and it's too difficult. Today, Boundless Passion is all over my body, my house. I feel energized, optimistic and limitless every time i sniff my wrist. Thank you for this wonderful gift!" —Daniella Pentelute, Boise, Idaho

Ultimately, it was the spirit of the plants and elementals themselves — and the enthusiasm of you all — that inspired me to create a line of 12 different oil blends for different, specific purposes. 

The essences themselves compelled me forward, as if by some kind of magic force all to their own! 

They also taught me a method that allows you to intuitively use them to their fullest effects — a way of working with them that helps you align with the spirit and magic of the oil, in connection with how your body and soul need them most.

It's hard to know how to do this on your own without having some guidance and understanding of what is really inside the bottles, and how to use them! 

That's why I have decided to share this wisdom and much more in my new HEALING WITH ESSENTIAL OILS Class! So you too can learn how to: 

- Know which oils to use and when 
- Use your intuition to guide you in selecting and applying oils
- Know where on the body to apply them for maximum healing effect  
- Connect with the spirit of the plants to enrich your experience with the oils
- Use them throughout your home or office for balancing, protecting, and creating better feng shui in your space
- Use the proper dilution rate for your particular needs 
- Stay safe while using these incredibly potent plant essences, especially around children, pets, and the elderly
And more... 

In the spirit of the season, and for a limited time, I am offering this class for free with ANY order from my store!

If you would like to be the first to receive this, simply place an order before Dec 15, and I will send the course to you so that you can watch it at your convenience, or share it with a loved one as part of a gift!

I am currently offering discounted pre-orders for LION HEART (Courage + Flow), one of my most popular and mystical blends.

For staying grounded and on path, Lion Heart pairs beautifully with EARTH X (Grounding + Balancing).

For those periods of big transformation and upleveling, try it together with five of our most popular blends in the MIND-BODY-SOUL ESSENTIALS SET.

To sweeten the pot, on orders $60 or more: Receive FREE US shipping + I will also include a hand-picked rock from sacred lands throughout the US — blessed for you — and a muslin cotton bag to hold the oils, perfect for gifting or carrying them with you as you please!*

Happy Holidays and thanks for your support! It is my honor to be the purveyor of this Earth Medicine and Magic to you. :)

Love and blessings 
from the sacred wild lands,
Satya Colombo

Go here for all oils and products ---> https://satyacolombostore.com

*This offer is valid through Sunday, December 15th. Your order must be submitted by then to receive the Essential Oils Course, blessed sacred stone and gift bag.