// Activism and Social Change:
Avaaz is a great worldwide social-change organization with more than 40 million members, and a platform that makes it REALLY easy to sign petitions and make a difference. Membership is free, and once you are a member you can easily sign petitions with just your email address and be a part of social justice campaigns on the issues that matter most.
Avaaz empowers millions of people from all walks of life to take action on pressing global, regional and national issues, from corruption and poverty to conflict and climate change. Our model of internet organising allows thousands of individual efforts, however small, to be rapidly combined into a powerful collective force. (Read about results on the Victories page http://www.avaaz.org/en/highlights.php.)
Making a Movement: Narratives and Creation Spaces
By John Hagel — http://edgeperspectives.typepad.com/edge_perspectives/2014/09/making-a-movement-narratives-and-creation-spaces.html
// Climate Change: Causes, Effects, Studies and Resources
NASA: Global Climate Change — Solutions:
Government Resources: http://climate.nasa.gov/solutions/resources/
Mitigation and Adaptation: http://climate.nasa.gov/solutions/adaptation-mitigation/
Energy Innovations: http://climate.nasa.gov/solutions/energy_innovations/
The Energy Collective “— The world's best thinkers on energy & climate "
Nasa-funded study warns of ‘collapse of civilisation’ in coming decades
‘Business as usual’ approach of economic elite will lead society to disaster, scientists warn
Hotter, Weirder: How Climate Has Changed Earth (AP)
Hotter, weirder: How climate has changed Earth
Factory Farming and Global Warming:
How Factory Farming Contributes to Global Warming (Eco Watch)
Factory farming is the overlooked enemy of a healthy environment: Opinion (NJ.COM)
Should Factory-Farmed Foods Be Labeled? (Mercola)
The role of livestock in climate change (FAO)
If The Danger Doesn't Motivate You, Maybe The Price Tag Will (Upworthy and UN Climate Summit)
Extreme weather in either direction means my Facebook feed is filled with jokes about climate change. (I make them, too.) But let's talk about what's actually happening when I have to wear short sleeves in the winter or my friends in Chicago end up with their eyes frozen shut two seconds after stepping outside.
Edgies on Extinction (Edge)
Jennifer Jacquet on Extinction (Edge)
// Climate Change: Solutions (At Individual, Institutional and Government/Policy-Making Levels)
(#Individual #Food and Diet)
We Can Reverse Climate Change by the Way We Grow Food
By Elizabeth Kucinich — Policy Director, Center for Food Safety
July 30th, 2014
Food and Climate Change — Understanding the resources that go into producing our meals can make us more aware of the relationship between food and climate change, and help us make better choices.
David Suzuki Foundation
Eating Less Meat Is World's Best Chance For Timely Climate Change, Say Experts
Eating Less Meat and Dairy Essential to Curb Climate Change
Want to have a real impact on climate change? Then become a vegetarian
We Are Not Not Evolved to Respond to Climate Change
// Creativity, Flow and Inspiration
Brainwashed: Seven Ways to Reinvent Yourself (Seth Godin — PDF)
Creative Rehab — Soulful Life Tips for Renaissance People (Andrea Balt)
To arrive at the edge of the world's knowledge, seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, put them in a room together, and have them ask each other the questions they are asking themselves. http://edge.org
Journal of the Future
Shots of Awe with Jason Silva
TED — Ideas Worth Spreading
A Home for Imagination Is Discovered in the Brain (Dartmouth Now)
Although many have long held that imagination and creativity come from the right brain while logical, analytical thinking originates in the left brain, there have been many studies that contradict this idea. Dartmouth researchers have now produced solid neurological evidence that further discounts this idea.
October 11th, 2013 http://now.dartmouth.edu/2013/10/a-home-for-imagination-is-discovered-in-the-brain/
The Connection Between Creative and Crazy
Nonconformity and the Creative Life
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music" —Nietzsche
Creativity is Madness
"We might say that both the artist and the neurotic bite off more than they can chew, but the artist spews it back out again and chews it over in an objectified way, as an external, active, work project..." - Ernest Becker
Find Your Creative Flow State
// Economics, Sustainable Business, Climate & Social Change
The Guardian — Sustainable Business Blog
“Rethinking prosperity”
Concern about overpopulation is a red herring; consumption's the problem
Charles Eisenstein http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/blog/concern-overpopulation-red-herring-consumption-problem-sustainability
Radical new economic system will emerge from collapse of capitalism
By Jeremy Rifkin
Political adviser and author Jeremy Rifkin believes that the creation of a super internet heralds new economic system that could solve society’s sustainability challenges
The Rise of Anti-Capitalism
By Jeremy Rifkin
WE are beginning to witness a paradox at the heart of capitalism, one that has propelled it to greatness but is now threatening its future: The inherent dynamism of competitive markets is bringing costs so far down that many goods and services are becoming nearly free, abundant, and no longer subject to market forces.
Vivienne Westwood is right: we need a law against ecocide
The economic and legal system rewards corporations that bulldoze, stripmine and burn. A new law against ecocide could halt this destruction. By Charles Eisenstein http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/blog/vivienne-westwood-law-ecocide-european
Let's be honest: real sustainability may not make business sense
Wouldn’t it be nice if the best business decision were aligned with the best ecological decision? Some people say that often it already is, and that if corporations would only wake up and see it, the opposition between profit and planet would diminish. By Charles Eisenstein http://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/blog/sustainability-business-sense-profit-purpose
// Energy: Current State of Affairs, Policy and Market Drivers
Federal Role in Recent Drop in Oil Prices (NY Times)
Environmentalists against any government involvement in the fossil fuels business will hate this, of course. But the collaboration between government and business in pursuit of energy independence offers a valuable lesson for policy makers forging a strategy to fit the current energy imperative: reducing carbon emissions to combat climate change.
// Energy: Emerging Clean-Energy Technologies and Innovative Carbon-Reduction Solutions
Co.Exist by Fast Company
This site is focused on groundbreaking innovation, innovation that’s going to change the way we live and the resources we use. We’re for brash and creative solutions, that make everyone rich while helping the people of the world lead lovely, clean, and fulfilling lives. http://www.fastcoexist.com/
How technology is fighting to prevent a climate-change apocalypse
By Dominic Basulto April 1st, 2014 — Washington Post
On Monday, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released an apocalyptic report about the impact of global climate change – suggesting that a hotter, drier Earth brought about by global climate change could lead to everything from famine and civil war to the acidification of the earth’s oceans, ecological crises and disappearing coastal cities. That begs the question, of course: What can Silicon Valley and other tech innovators do to slow or reverse the climate-change apocalypse? Read more... http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/innovations/wp/2014/04/01/how-technology-is-fighting-to-prevent-a-climate-change-apocalypse/
10 Breakthrough Innovations That Will Shape The World In 2025
A world where food is plentiful and drugs are personalized may not be as far off as it seems.
June 30, 2014 http://www.fastcoexist.com/3032260/10-breakthrough-innovations-that-will-shape-the-world-in-2025
7 Solutions to Climate Change Happening Now
Even as the world continues to spew more carbon pollution, change has begun—and is accelerating . Here are seven solutions to global warming that are advancing and gathering steam in the U.S.—and around the world. November 17, 2014 |By David Biello http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/7-solutions-to-climate-change-happening-now/
What It Would Really Take to Reverse Climate Change
Today’s renewable energy technologies won’t save us. So what will? Climate scientists have definitively shown that the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere poses a looming danger. Whether measured in dollars or human suffering, climate change threatens to take a terrible toll on civilization over the next century. To radically cut the emission of greenhouse gases, the obvious first target is the energy sector, the largest single source of global emissions. http://spectrum.ieee.org/energy/renewables/what-it-would-really-take-to-reverse-climate-change
Carbon Dioxide Can Be A Resource Rather Than A Waste Product
Edward Dodge — Carbon utilization is not a widely discussed concept in America, but it is a growing field with research programs in the USA and Europe, and new businesses bringing these products and services to market. Carbon utilization offers policy makers options to offset the costs of the reducing CO2 emissions, by converting the environmental liability into a productive asset. But don’t take my word for it, what follows is a sampling of some of the developments in this exciting new field. Everything in italics is taken from third parties that are actively pursuing carbon utilization. http://theenergycollective.com/ed-dodge/341971/carbon-dioxide-resource-not-waste-product
400 PPM: Can Artificial Trees Help Pull CO2 from the Air?
Although capture technologies show promise, pulling CO2 out of the air is unlikely to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations soon. May 16, 2013 |By David Biello http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/prospects-for-direct-air-capture-of-carbon-dioxide/
Audi to Make Fuel Using Solar Power
The automaker is using technology from SolarFuel to make renewable methane for natural-gas vehicles. http://www.technologyreview.com/news/521031/company-makes-co2-into-liquid-fuel-with-help-from-a-volcano/
Company Makes CO2 into Liquid Fuel, with Help from a Volcano
An Icelandic company figures out how to make methanol from waste carbon dioxide, but the economics may not work without a nearby volcano. http://www.technologyreview.com/news/510066/audi-to-make-fuel-using-solar-power/
How to Solve Global Warming: It's the Energy Supply
Carbon storage has to expand rapidly, or coal burning has to cease, if the world is to avoid dangerous climate change. April 13, 2014 |By David Biello http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-solve-global-warming-its-the-energy-supply/
Putting Climate Change Into Reverse
// Environmental Innovations
Earth from space: 15 amazing things in 15 years (NASA’s Earth Science News Team)
The past 15 years have produced a more comprehensive look at Earth from space than any other period in history. At a time when our planet is undergoing critically important changes, this global view offers not only stunning imagery but also vitally important information about how Earth is changing.To celebrate 15 successful years of the Earth Observing System, we’ve collected 15 impressive, awe-inducing or simply just plain interesting images gathered by NASA’s three flagship Earth orbiters since the Terra launch. December 19, 2014 — By Ellen Gray and Patrick Lynch. http://climate.nasa.gov/news/2206/
// Human Evolution: Spiritual, Social and Cultural
Barbara Marx Hubbard and the Foundation for Conscious Evolution
The ultimate goal of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution is the awakening of the spiritual, social, and scientific potential of humanity, in harmony with nature for the highest good of all life.
Charles Eisenstein
The More Beautiful World We Know Is Possible — Online Book: http://charleseisenstein.net/books/the-more-beautiful-world-our-hearts-know-is-possible/climate/
Jean Houston
Jean Houston, Ph.D., scholar, philosopher and researcher in Human Capacities, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time. Long regarded as one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement, Dr. Houston is noted for her ability to combine a deep knowledge of history, culture, new science, spirituality and human development into her teaching.
Jean Houston Foundation
The mission of The Jean Houston Foundation addresses global need. The Foundation promotes positive social change by developing international communities of leaders in Social Artistry to apply a wide range of cutting edge leadership and human potential development skills for finding innovative solutions to critical local and global issues.
Jeremy Rifkin - The Foundation on Economic Trends
The Foundation on Economic Trends is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to examine emerging trends in science and technology, and their impacts on the environment, the economy, culture, and society. Author and social thinker Jeremy Rifkin asks, "Can we reach biosphere consciousness and global empathy in time to avert planetary collapse?"
The Ascent of Humanity: The Age of Separation, the Age of Reunion, and the convergence of crises that is birthing the transition
By Charles Eisenstein — complete book: http://www.ascentofhumanity.com/text.php
The Universal Human
By Barbara Marx Hubbard
The universal human is a name for the next stage of human evolution. The signs of our emergence as universal humans include an unconditional love for the whole of life; a powerful, irresistible passion to unite with Spirit within; and a deep heart-felt impulse to connect with others and co-create a world equal to our love and our capacities.
Social Artistry
By Jean Houston
Social Artistry is the art of enhancing human capacities in the light of social complexity. It seeks to bring new ways of thinking, being and doing to social challenges in the world.
The Empathic Civilization
By Jeremy Rifkin
In this talk from RSA Animate, bestselling author Jeremy Rifkin investigates the evolution of empathy and the profound ways it has shaped human development and society.
// Mindfulness, Meditation, Personal Transformation and Social Change
Charles Eisenstein — http://charleseisenstein.net/
Charles Eisenstein suggests that if we can free ourselves from the artificial perception of scarcity, we could meet our real emotional and spiritual needs.
How Mindfulness Supports Social Change
Subversive Self-Care: Centering Black Women’s Wellness
Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness: "Trends" That Could Change Everything
// Technology, Innovation and Business
Edge Perspectives with John Hagel
Deloitte Center for the Edge
Businesses are exposed to more disruptions and competitive threats than ever before. But within great change is great opportunity. You know that technologies and business strategies are changing at an unprecedented pace—how can you position your company to take advantage of the opportunities for competitive and economic advantage? Deloitte’s Center for the Edge conducts original research across industries and develops substantive perspectives for new corporate growth to help senior executives make sense of and profit from emerging opportunities on the edges of business and technology.
Singularity University
Singularity Hub
The Technium by Kevin Kelly
Deloitte C4Edge Edgemap
The EdgeMap guides leaders and influencers through the Center for the Edge’s perspectives around the topics on their agendas--growth, talent, strategy, and innovation. Explore the EdgeMap to learn how you can create increasing value in today’s world.
Deloitte University Press
The hero’s journey through the landscape of the future
Institutional innovation
Institutional innovation allows organizations to rearchitect themselves to scale learning and generate richer innovations at other levels, including products, business models, and management systems.
The Cost of Creativity
By Jonah Lehrer March 27th, 2012
Actualizing the Human Imagination
Where technology is taking us…
“The goal of humanity is to actualize the human mind.”
The Next Transitions in the Technium
Edge: The Technium
A Conversation with Kevin Kelly [2.3.14]