SACRED WILD HEALING & MENTORSHIP: Unleash the Fire That Burns In Your Soul
Sacred Wild Healing
There’s a fire inside your soul, waiting to be unleashed.
When you are connected to the source of all that is, you are unstoppable...
A force of nature, helping the people you love, making an impact in the world, and doing what you love.
But as a highly sensitive, creative AND passionate human, it can be so hard to stay on track with your Soul’smission — especially with all the crazy these days!
Life is stressful enough already, but this adds even more pressure on top of it. And all this emotional stress puts a huge strain on our minds and bodies.
We are walking pressure cookers waiting to implode so we turn to whatever is nearest to ease the pain. From prescription drugs and alcohol to conflict and codependent relationships — whatever pushes aside the discomfort and helps us carry on.
But that doesn't solve the source of the problem! All this unhealed trauma and stress causes huge illness and conflict in ourselves and our world.
I want to change all this now. For you and all of us.
And I know that together we can...
Introducing Sacred Wild Healing & Mentorship
• Release stress and anxiety, calm your nerves and center into your true strength every day because you have built an arsenal of healing tools and practices that fit your life—and your style.
• Keep going strong in your Center ALL DAY LONG when you’ve fully rocked your morning practice routine, and now you own your energy and boundaries.
• Find the daily inspiration—and motivation—to FINALLY complete what you’ve been putting off. You know what nourishes your soul!
• Get the personal accountability support to ensure you not only get it done, but also have the answers and inspiration you need to stay on track.
• Learn to finally MASTER your energy with shamanic energy tools and practices that keep you shining bright through whatever/whoever comes your way.
• Root deep into your practices of cleansing, protection, grounding and illumination to ensure your resilience and stamina for the long haul.
• Revive your passion for life, and move from COPING to THRIVING as you release a lifetime of energetic blocks that kept your true soul expression tied in knots.
• Experience the full range of magic that is your birthright when you heal and release trauma and stuck emotions, and integrate long lost soul fragments.
• Then put your magic on cruise control so you don’t have to work as hard at all of it when you develop the HABITS that make it all so much easier with less struggle.
• And more….all with the ultimate goal of strengthening and empowering you to be fully expressed, nourished and living in alignment with your soul’s callings. Now.
We start on the Fall Equinox, Saturday, September 22nd ~~~ !
Final application deadline: Friday, September 21st at 12 midnight Pacific Time. Registration must be completed by Saturday the 22nd.