Never Underestimate the Power of Real Love in Action: No Greater Force In the World

Real Love In Action Real love is not some fluffy ideal. It's the only power that can truly change the world.

I write these words from a place of both love and outrage. Outraged that the violence of war continues to destroy the precious lives of so many people from Gaza to the Ukraine to cities throughout the world. That innocent children, parents and families are forced to suffer such indignity, such pain and hardship. And that our governments continue to fuel this darkness with the support of our tax money, and in many cases our civilians.

But anger and outrage mixed with sadness is a force does little to alleviate the problem. Mixing Real love and compassion into the fire is our only hope. And I'm not talking about the fluffy ideal that we must all get along and love one another, however noble that may be. I'm talking about living real Love with a capital L.

Knowing Real Love means that no matter what happens, and however sh*t it might get, you will be OK. Being Peace -- I see this as a form of true activism. Because your Soul is the vehicle of this Love, and when you truly listen and heed the calling of your soul, you are like a walking Buddha. You can change the world by hearing the calling of your soul, and taking action in alignment with that. It's an immensely powerful act.

Real Love has great power. It transmits infinite strength. And when called on in earnest it can transmute even the darkest states of being into places of great light and power. Calling forth this energy into yourself, choosing to walk in beauty, to be a beacon of light unto the world, is the greatest act of peace you can make. It has the power to truly bring balance into the world. Switch on the light -- turn on the Buddha channel -- it's your choice. The power to choose your reality is in your hands, no matter what.

Never underestimate the power of Real Love in Action. No greater force in the world. Do you want peace...? Root down into your Soul, turn on the light in your Heart, and LET IT SHINE. This is what the world needs now… More than ever.

Love and More Love,


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Fire of Love circle “The Fire of Love has been an incredible source of community and support. The weekly writing prompts and missions helped me uncover some of my deeper held beliefs, exposing raw potential and freedom. I was stretched in ways that could only come from the caliber of participants within the group. I cherish the friendships I have made as we want nothing but the best for each other...." ~ Carrie Hensley, Fire of Love Member

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