The Fire of Love Scholarships: Now Available to Everyone

The Fire of Love Experience: Set your heart ablaze, do your greatest work and live a beautiful life!

fire of love scholarships open

When I was 17 my big dream was to go to a good Liberal Arts school on the East Coast. I remember my English teacher swung hard and met me on weekends to help with my college applications and essays. A lot of people helped me out then, but the biggest boost came from the scholarship I was offered to Sarah Lawrence College

I got to live in New York and had the greatest experience of my life! I'm still incredibly grateful for that opportunity as it opened my eyes wide like the sea, and opened more doors than I could imagine...

I want to make the Fire of Love Experience available to anyone also, regardless of your finances, so I've opened the scholarship program for all remaining spots. This is now a pay-what-you-can + feel in your heart event. All applicants will be given equal consideration. 

We've received applications from South Africa, Spain, India, Brazil (and of course the States!) -- students, teachers, fledgling entrepreneurs, people from all over the world in all different financial circumstances. Some people just can't afford it, even at the reasonable rates I've suggested.

How to apply for the Fire of Love Experience:


Apply from there, and share your honest responses to the application questions. Let me know if you'd like to join as a Founding Member or in the Founder's Circle Mastermind, and what you can and feel to pay for the entrance fee and the monthly membership. The rates listed there are my suggested rates.

Please note: Enrollment is limited for this group to keep it intimate and manageable for the inaugural flight -- there are approximately 20 spaces left for Pioneer Founders, and just 7 spots in the Founder's Circle.

2. Help spread the word and let people know about the program, and your application. 

You can share something like this on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and/or Email: (Feel free to share whatever you feel)

Just applied to join the awesome Fire of Love Experience! with @satyacolombo

- or link to this page:

If you aren't Facebook friends with me, Friend Request me now and I'll accept your request -- then tag me in your share so I can see it too!

3. I will personally review all applications and send you the registration link via email by Sunday afternoon if you are accepted!

Deadline to apply: This Sunday, September 16th at 2PM Pacific Time. You will have to register by early Monday for your space to be held. The program officially launches on this Monday, September 17th!

What I'm looking out for in the applications:

The goal of the Fire of Love Experience & Community is to create a supportive, safe, empowering environment for all our members to find and live their greatest lives. This includes doing creative projects, taking on simple life-changing missions, supporting each others work, sharing feedback and contributing to a community of passionate heart-centered people.

I'm looking for people who would fit well in this environment, be active participants and also enjoy the experience. I would like to sense a strong heart resonance with everyone who is joining this group, and I know that this particular resonance will keep the project and community flowing.

Blessings, Love and Godspeed...!



fire of love experience

The Fire of Love Experience is an exclusive community project with a purpose: To ignite our spirits with passion and excitement, find and create our great life’s work and live a hot-damn beautiful life!

Please share and tweet this with your friends -- thank you! :)
Fire of LoveSatya Colombo