Dear Women: A Reproductive Rights Resource Page for Sensitive Humans

Dear women: (to all the women in my life…and all women)

I love and honor and respect you. Your body and soul sovereignty. How you bring life into the world, not just through your body but through the generosity of love that streams from your heart. And I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for taking women’s reproductive rights for granted, and not taking greater responsibility to defend those. I thought that because we live in a supposedly civilized modern society, the protections provided by Roe v. Wade were just how things were supposed to be, and those anti-abortionists were just fringe elements on their way out. When I heard about the leaked memo, I still didn’t believe it. I was in denial.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

I understand now that women’s reproductive rights are not just a woman’s health issue. They are a human issue, and a human right.

My intention has always been to lift you up, to bring hope and light to your life. To be an antidote to the dehumanizing nature of the patriarchal capitalist-consumer matrix that we live in. At this time I feel that intention activated more strongly than ever. I stand for you. I stand for your sovereignty, your freedom, and your freedom of choice. Because…

No one has the right to control what you do with your body.

Moving forward, I’m committed to taking stronger action in alignment with my intentions to lift women up—in particular female members of the BIPOC community, as well as members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and all uterus-carrying humans.

And I will continue to advocate for my fellow empaths and sensitive wild souls, as well as neurodivergent people.

To that end, I’ve put together a few resources that may be helpful for you at this time and moving forward. Instead of making an exhaustive list of resources, however, I’ve chosen a few key organizations and initiatives. And I’ve pointed to specific pages on their sites so you don’t have to go digging too far.

It’s a shortlist of resources that I hope you find helpful in a world oversaturated with misinformation. I created this resource in this way because I know from experience how too much information can be paralyzing to neurodivergent and highly sensitive people.

Reproductive Rights Resources

Getting Help:

The National Network of Abortion Funds provides direct support by connecting women with organizations that can support your financial and logistical needs in arranging for an abortion. They also provide useful information on safe self-managed abortion:

  1. Need an abortion? Learn how to get support here

  2. Self-managed abortion: Safe Abortion Using Pills

Information and Resources:

The Center for Reproductive Rights is a global legal advocacy organization dedicated to reproductive rights:

  1. Their Resources and Research page is extensive.

  2. They have a Take Action page that is also helpful.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has put up a site to help women understand your reproductive rights:

“Reproductive health care, including access to birth control and safe and legal abortion care, is an essential part of your health and well-being. While Roe v. Wade was overturned, abortion remains legal in many states, and other reproductive health care services remain protected by law.”


Giving HELP and Taking Action:

There are so many things we can do to give help right now, and taking action in any way can be very empowering. That being said, we’re not all comfortable with marching on the streets, or physically able to do that, and that’s OK. Here are a couple things you can do to make a significant positive impact.

Abortion funds and independent providers need our support now more than ever. Donate below to split your gift between multiple abortion funds: (you can also customize how your funds are distributed)

“Abortion bans fall hardest on people who already face discriminatory obstacles to health care—Black, Indigenous, and other people of color, women, the LGBTQI+ community, people with disabilities, people in rural areas, young people, undocumented people, and those having a tough time making ends meet.” —Center for Reproductive Rights

National Network of Abortion Funds — ActBlue Express Donate page

There is an important bill with momentum right now to reform the Supreme Court by adding four new seats. You can learn more and support this exciting movement to reform the Supreme Court below.

“We need to restore balance to the Supreme Court. With a 6-3 Republican supermajority, the Court is deciding cases in a consistently partisan, anti-democracy, pro-corporate direction. We need a Court that better reflects the whole country, not just special interests and the Republican Party.” —

Reform the Supreme Court

Additional Resources:

Rooting down strong into the earth, feeding your soul, and taking care of yourself is vital. We’ve got to take care of ourselves first and foremost, so we can be of greater service to the people we love.

  • Wake the Soul Project is a free 4-part video course I created to help you learn how to keep your your energy clear and bright, and access your inner navigation system.

  • I’m also offering need-based scholarships to all women for the remaining open spots in my Writing Wild program that starts this week.

  • My partner, Aelah, is offering a free monthly full moon healing group you can join by signing up here: Aelah Sophia.

(Please note: I’m open to selectively adding to this list, as long as the resources are legitimate and truly helpful—just message me here.)

As Aelah put it to me yesterday:

“My generation and the ones after, we’re not about letting anyone else control our bodies. That’s just antiquated thinking—it doesn’t phase us. This feels like symptoms of a system collapsing and some power grabs on the way down. We’re just going to have to band together stronger to support each other and figure it out.”

I see this happening already, and I know this is where we’re headed. Because we can do great things and we can heal, but it doesn’t happen alone. We do it in community.

For my part, I will continue to advocate for you as best I can, to be of greater service to the cause (and to gather others in support as well—in particular my fellow men). Together we can get through this time, to create the new paradigms we are moving into on earth.

All my love,


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Dear women: a reproductive rights resource page to get support and give help, made with sensitive and neurodivergent people in mind…

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