Maybe All You Need Is a Little Adventure To Feed Your Soul

Recently a good friend called me unexpectedly to fill me in on an exciting breakthrough she was having, and it ended up being a very transformative conversation. I love getting calls like this because they're so rare these days—you know it's a good friend if they feel comfortable just calling you without notice!

I have to give you the gist so you can understand a little better...

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Satya Colombo
Embracing the Quiet, Cozy Magic of Winter Solstice

This year has turned out to be one of the most challenging years of my life. Like, in the top three of difficult. And considering the life I’ve had and my high tolerance for discomfort, that’s a lot.

How’s it been going for you…?

Unfortunately, life on earth in the 21st century just isn't easy. Sure, some days are harder and some are easier. Just like some years. But if you can be okay with that—with what is—then maybe it can be okay for you too.

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The One Thing I’ve Been Afraid to Tell You

I have a confession to make.

Even though I’ve been a transformational coach and healer for more than ten years, helping hundreds of sensitive wild souls live their purpose and speak their truth, I have to admit that I’ve still been playing small…and not yet making the impact that I know I’m here to make.

Because I still struggle with rejection sensitivity and staying balanced in the spotlight as a highly sensitive person, I haven’t shared much about my story and why I’m so passionate about my work.

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The WRITING WILD Journey Is Here!

Want to know what’s the coolest thing I’ve noticed lately amidst all these wild energies flying around...?

Being able to see how strong my practices have made me inside, so that every time my mind starts to spin out into anxious self-doubt, fear and judgement I can just bring it back into my center.

And refusing to entertain any of that mental-emotional turmoil that used to knock me out for hours, or sometimes days and weeks!

That's exactly the foundation of what we're learning on the Writing Wild journey....

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How to Finally Write the Book On Your Heart—Even If You’re Stuck On Where to Start

How often have you dreamed of writing that burning book in your heart? The one that’s waiting to be shared with the world, but can’t seem to go beyond a wish, or an outline, or a few pages…?

You’re not the only one.

It took me more than five years to get past the first chapter of my forthcoming book (Wild Soul Journey). But you know what was the hardest part of those five years?

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Bowing Deeply to This Year, This Life

I’m currently reading the classic book by Buddhist master, Jack Kornfield, “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry,” where he describes joining a monastery and being instructed to bow down deeply to everyone who is his elder. He soon learns that his elders aren’t just those who are older in years, but each person who’s been in residence longer than him. In other words, he has to bow to everyone—even the haughty 21-year-old monk in training, or the old farmer who’s on the “farmers retirement plan” and doesn’t actually care to meditate.

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The JourneySatya Colombo
Your Guiding Light

I'd like to know: what's your guiding light?

For more than ten years I've dedicated myself to being of service to society, guiding others through healing and personal transformation (you could say I've been a guiding light for people on their journey). One of my most essential discoveries along the way has been the importance of finding our guiding light, the higher purpose of our soul in this life. It's one of the things I've taught the most.

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