FLOW: (The Book!) The 5 Elements Way of Fierce Wisdom, Strength & Beauty


New Edition Coming soon! Join our community list be notified when it's released.

FLOW is about coming to terms with the truth of our existence:

We are simultaneously luminous divine beings of incomparable beauty, and gritty human beings with primal needs, wants and earth-based roots.

We’re divine and we’re human -- we have wants and needs, among them purpose, empowerment and... cash! (the dirty word we so often dance around). But cash flow stems from harnessing our creative brilliance, and creative brilliance stems from the source of life flowing within us. It's a beautiful circle. The stronger and more directly we connect with this flow, the more able we’re able to come up with the genius ideas and structures we need to sustain ourselves.

Why does this matter?

As you raise your individual consciousness, and empower yourself to rise up in the world, you raise up everyone around you too. We rise to meet you.

Love and strength shared freely flows like a virus. This is how we push the edges of our evolution, and the evolution of society.

Flow is a digital guidebook for navigating these divergent realities with grace and beauty.

It’s designed to help you clear your mind and energy field, and harness the five elements for epic creative flow, strength and beauty.

It also guides you through creating your own master plan of structured flow for living a life of passion, purpose and success.

Here’s what some amazing people had to say about FLOW:

An indispensable guide; a resource for awakening your true self and attaining a higher level of consciousness.Raam Dev

I have been procrastinating on expressing my gratitude to you forFlowbecause I am still in that speechless state, downloading and assimilating its multiple effects, days after reading it. Yeah, it's a yummy trip.

Once upon a time I was skeptical of anything to do with 'energy,' unconsciously steeped in a rational-dominated paradigm. But as soon as I began to open to the possibility, the truth of energy work became not only tangible, but obviously crucial to the survival of our species. Your book is highly useful. I just did the Earth Meditation exercise again and - woot! - it restored my overworked energy levels to such luminescence. My productivity has skyrocketed since I started implementing your exercises. But productivity is not the main meat of the benefits. No, the most delicious thing has been the sensations, the expanded love, the fruitful, free energy reverberating in and around me.

So, dear Satya, I thank you for bringing this into the world. With all my heart.

— Amy R. Martin

Just read the first few pages. This is beautiful. I rarely read ebooks, to be honest with you. But I'll be reading (finishing) this one. — Jonathan Mead

Satya, I must second Jonathan's sentiments. This is beautiful. I too never read ebooks (never found one that earned my attention), but my god... this is wonderful. Perfectly written, easy on the eyes, a breath of fresh air.

I look forward to diving even deeper.

love, Ev`Yan Whitney

All I can say is... wow. As in, you have done something amazing with this. I read it all in one sitting, racing to absorb all of it. This is gorgeous, the perfect amount of woo-woo, applicable exercises, science where it fits. Completely inspiring. This is the guide that has been begging to be released on this topic.Dusti Arab


The guidebook is meant to be put to use in your life and work, and contains powerful exercises, worksheets and meditations to help you access the source of all strength, wisdom and creative flow within you.

What holds you back in your life and great work?

One of the things that held me back from finishing this project, is where I’ve been blocked in myself. Because this is a paid product, I was getting in my own way due to my own doubts about my most important work being of true value -- as if I could only be successful at the work I’ve had to suffer through to create! -- can you relate to this?

I was only able to overcome those blocks by acknowledging and facing them head on, and doing specific practices to release the deep-seated beliefs and imprints that kept me from recognizing the true value of my spirit flow. These are part of the guidebook.

I think these kinds of doubts are common for a lot of us, and yet they can kill even the greatest projects. This is essentially the great message of the Flow book -- and my work in general:

By being true to who you really are, connecting with the call of your spirit, and taking decisive action in alignment with that -- you can absolutely create a life of fierce wisdom, strength and beauty.

FLOW is off the market until the new version is released! Join our community and receive my 5-part exclusive video series: Wake the Soul Project